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October 27, 2008


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Craig McQueen

I understand historically IM and OCS was rather weak on logging data and reporting on it (perhaps it was just reporting that was weak). How is OCS 2007 R2 for usage reporting?

Dino Caputo

Good Question!

My understanding is that not much has changed around the area of archiving in OCS 2007R2. Microsoft has provided 'free' archiving in terms of IM and CDR (Call Detail Records) which works very well if you can write your own front-end sql queries to obtain the data you need. This solution isn't for everyone however, especially those organizations requiring more rigidity around compliance and security.

Once the full RTM version releases I will have a closer look at any new capabilities and report back.


Is High definition video 720P at 30fps or 1280x720 pixels) possible on OCS 2007 R2?

Dino Caputo

Yes 720P at 30fps (1280x720) is possible in R2

call centers philippines

For those who are interested about Microsoft Office Communicator, it is a instant messaging client used with Microsoft Office Communications Server and is the replacement for Windows Messenger which was used with Exchange Messaging Server. Compared to Windows Live Messenger it has an expanded feature set that is targeted toward corporate environments. Thanks for the post.

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Dino Caputo is a Teams MVP delivering Microsoft UC solutions and is a Partner at enableUC.com He records podcasts over at https://o365eh.com on all things Microsoft Teams and M365.


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