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March 25, 2011


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Jack Logan

Question: what was the install process like? I'm helping a person troubleshoot Lync integration. Did you just run an install CD and select the device in Lync, or was there more to the process?

Dino Caputo

Thanks for the comment Jack. The install process was very straight forward. I just choose the typical installation which installs support for all major clients including Lync. You can customize the install and remove the support for the clients you don't need. Either way once you run the Plantronics installer I would restart the PC before testing.
The latest software can be downloaded here:


They now call their software Plantronics Spokes.
I found their support to be good when calling their supportline as I was dealing with a pre-release version. Hope this helps.

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Dino Caputo is a Teams MVP delivering Microsoft UC solutions and is a Partner at enableUC.com He records podcasts over at https://o365eh.com on all things Microsoft Teams and M365.


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