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August 08, 2014


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Michael Gossett

I was getting a 503 error after following this guide and after trying different things I ended up finding out you need to import your Root CA certificate into the ARR server for some reason. I even went as far as configuring the external web site on the FE to use our *.domain.com wildcard certificate and it didn't work. The only thing that resolved the issue was importing the domain's Root CA that generated the "internal" FE certificate. Thank you for writing this up!

Michael Gossett

Also just to clarify I still needed to use my wildcard certificate it just wouldn't communicate without the RootCA cert installed. I have no idea why.

Dino Caputo

Thanks for the comment Michael. If your IIS ARR server is NOT domain joined then you would need to import the internal CA's Root certificate so that it can properly establish TLS with the Lync Front-End Server. A domain joined ISS ARR machine would already have and trust the Internal CA Root cert.

If you use Public Certs everywhere then this is not required assuming that IIS ARR server is getting the appropriate windows updates to update its Public Root Certificates.

Thiago Beier

Hi guys should I use *.domain.com wildcard certificate on my lync setup when the customer doesn't have a public certificate yet ?(is it supported according to what you have written here - A domain joined IIS ARR machine)
To finish the project and show them working fine.


Lync does not support wildcard certificate .Did it work for you


Dino Capitol I have question can we use single instance of IIS ARR for multiple Lync instances.I mean if I have one instance of Lync Lync.domain1.com and another instance as lync2.domain2.com can I use single instance of IIS ARR.please clarify me.


Is it possible to publish two web sites at the same port (80)? I have a customer that wants to publish through ARR 3, two sites siteA.test.gr and siteB.test.gr. The first will publish a site from internal server, server1.test.gr and the second URL will publish site from server2.test.gr.
You can see exactly what I am trying to do here http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q11/argi6argi/Public/RProxy_1.png
The problem is that only the first http site responds. for the second one, there are not even incoming requests in Monitoring and Management within the farm.
Thanks in advance,


Thank you all, I have found it. I should create a condition within URL rewrites regarding HTTP_HOST.

Thanks again,


As we know that wildcard certification is most important things when we talk about lync sever 2013. It is not support for me. How to resolve this issue?

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Dino Caputo is a Teams MVP delivering Microsoft UC solutions and is a Partner at enableUC.com He records podcasts over at https://o365eh.com on all things Microsoft Teams and M365.


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