Shortly after Skype for Business Server 2015 released, Microsoft introduced Rate My Call where users were presented with an option to rate the call they had just completed. Users would get a pop up like the one below that allowed them to supply feedback about the call they just had:
All the rate my call data is held within the QoEMetrics database in SQL Server including the feedback tokens which give the user possible call quality issue options as shown in the checkbox list above.
If you query the SQL database you can see the originally deployed values here:
SELECT TOP 1000 [TokenId]
FROM [QoEMetrics].[dbo].[CallQualityFeedbackTokenDef]TokenId TokenDescription
1 DistortedSpeech
2 ElectronicFeedback
3 BackgroundNoise
4 MuffledSpeech
5 Echo
21 FrozenVideo
22 PixelatedVideo
23 BlurryImage
24 PoorColor
25 DarkVideo
Microsoft has since updated these values as documented here, however you need to manually update these values in your database. Its unfortunate this is not covered in a database update via a Cumulative Update as mostly all customers I deal with would not know to update these values.
To update them you need to run the following SQL statements in SQL Management Studio. The following statements deletes the current tokens and recreates the expanded list of Token Definitions.
Use QoEMetrics
DELETE FROM [CallQualityFeedbackTokenDef];
INSERT INTO [CallQualityFeedbackTokenDef] (TokenId, TokenDescription) VALUES
(1, N'DistortedSpeech'),
(2, N'ElectronicFeedback'),
(3, N'BackgroundNoise'),
(4, N'MuffledSpeech'),
(5, N'Echo'),
(21, N'FrozenVideo'),
(22, N'PixelatedVideo'),
(23, N'BlurryImage'),
(24, N'PoorColor'),
(25, N'DarkVideo'),
(101, N'Audio_SilentLocal'),
(102, N'Audio_SilentRemote'),
(103, N'Audio_Echo'),
(104, N'Audio_BackgroundNoise'),
(105, N'Audio_LowSound'),
(106, N'Audio_Dropped'),
(107, N'Audio_DistortedSpeech'),
(108, N'Audio_Interrupted'),
(109, N'Audio_Other'),
(201, N'Video_NoLocalVideo'),
(202, N'Video_NoRemoteVideo'),
(203, N'Video_LowQuality'),
(204, N'Video_FrozenVideo'),
(205, N'Video_StoppedUnexpectedly'),
(206, N'Video_DarkVideo'),
(207, N'Video_NoAudioSync'),
(208, N'Video_Other'),
(301, N'Pstn_DialPad'),
(401, N'SS_NoContentLocal'),
(402, N'SS_NoContentRemote'),
(403, N'SS_CantPresent'),
(404, N'SS_LowQuality'),
(405, N'SS_Freezing'),
(406, N'SS_StoppedUnexpectedly'),
(407, N'SS_LargeDelay'),
(408, N'SS_Other'),
(501, N'Reliabilty_Join'),
(502, N'Reliabilty_Invite');
As you can see this updates the table to add another 28 possible tokens!
Once these are applied you will now see the following Rate My Call notification after a video call has been made.