If you are attempting to use https://demos.microsoft.com or https://cdx.transform.microsoft.com/ and get a “Not Authorized Error”
This is a frustrating issue to say in the least and hope this saves you the pain I had to go through to get it resolved.
For some reason the tenant level authorization gets cleared which can cause this problem. Its happened to me twice now (still not sure what is causing it) however the fix is as follows:
Clicking on the above link will force the consent for the Transform workplace tools to occur allowing you to sign in again without this error. You will need to be a tenant administrator to consent on behalf of your org or you can consent for your own account only.
Hope this saves you hours of endless grief
Thanks ! - was beginning to get fairly annoyed untill i stumbled on your solution..
Posted by: SteffenPR | May 02, 2022 at 02:19 PM